Our Project

MiBolsillo is a personal trainer in your phone that automates the way you organize and access your finances. The purpose of our project is to help with the integration to connect with bank accounts to retrieve some data, downloading the ofx files with financial information that will later be used in the APP avoiding the need to feed this information manually.

Implementation Features

In this section we want to explained how was the process to achieve the goal as illustrated in the image below.
To start with the process, the user through the app gives the information to login to the bank account that he wants to connect with. Then, we receive that information as an sqs message that triggers the main file which calls a command file according to the chosen bank, in our case "NuBank". When command starts running, first it calls the scraper where we login to the bank and downloads the OFX files, then this file is sent to an ofx interface which is in charge of manipulate and extract the data we need, after all the information is organized we use the firebase interface to send it to the firebase database, where is saved as a dictionary. Finally, that dictionary is sent to the app to be displayed to the user.

About the app

Mibolsillo teachs you how to save money faster to reach your financial goals. Also, it helps you know how much and how you're spending to track your personal and even your small business finances.

Your finances in real time.

Our Team

Yerardin Perlaza Medina

Software Engineer

Design web page with HTML, CSS and Javascript. Implement and integrate logic with Python and tools as Amazon SQS , OFX and Firebase.

Daniel Ortega Chaux

Software Engineer

Design web page with HTML, CSS and Javascript. Implement and integrate logic with Python and tools as Amazon SQS, OFX and Firebase.

Here you can find the repository of the landing page, for security reasons the backend repository is not available for the public.

Landing page

Github Repo

Contact Us

for more information.

Daniel Ortega Chaux
Yerardin Perlaza Medina


HolbertonSchool © 2021 - BankScrapers